ICE Rental Catalog
Consult ICE,Inc. for detailed capabilities of your chosen configuration and setup. EM30 ShowCase Specification torque using HB55 56,100 ft-lbs 76000 Nm Max Drilling Dia - CFA 30 inches 760 mm Max Drilling Dia - Air Kelly 30 inches 760 mm Stroke w/ 10’ Ext 40 feet 12.2 m Stroke w/2 x 10’ Ext 50 feet 15.2 m Maximum crowd force 22,000 lbs 180 kN Maximum extraction force 22,000 lbs 180 kN Mast movement Side-to-side 45° each way Fore-aft 120° each way Vertical lift 36 inches 900 mm Weights & Dimensions Weight of 30’ Mast 13,700 lbs 6215 kg Weight of 40’ Mast w/HB55 17,700 lbs 8028.6 kg Length without Ext 39.6 feet 12.07 m Length with Service Winch 40.3 feet 12.28 m Width 5.6 feet 1.7 m Depth 7.8 feet 2.4 m Optional mast extensions (multiple in 10’ legths) Length 10 feet 3 m Weight 1500 lbs 680 kg Operating equipment Rotary heads EX25 HB30 HB55 Vibrators 2 216D 14 Percussion heads ICE-figuration
HD Boom Point Connection Swivel + Travel + Tilt
Down-The-Hole Hammer
CFA Drilling
Vibratory Setup
Right & Left JoySticks- Controls mast, winches & other attachments
HeadBlock with Aux Tooling Winch
SolarField Install
Air Kelly Drilling
I nternational C onstruction E quipment , I nc
Main Travel Winch
Accessory Specification
Model 14D with 336 CAT Exca
HB55 with 336 CAT Exca
HB55 Maximums
Eccentric moment Maximum frequency
1400 in-lbs 16 kg-m 1900 vpm 1900 vpm 74 tons 660 kN 72 tons 640 kN
High-torque setting Torque 56100 ft-lbs 76 000 Nm 66500 ft-lbs 90 200 Nm Speed 30 rpm 30 rpm 90 rpm 90 rpm High-speed setting Torque 28100 ft-lbs 38 000 Nm 33250 ft-lbs 45 100 Nm Speed 60 rpm 60 rpm 90 rpm 90 rpm Maximum power 315 HP 235 kW High-speed & High-Torque setting* Torque 21,870 ft-lbs 28 650 Nm 31,720 ft-lbs 43 000 Nm Speed 37-46 rpm 37-46 rpm 92 rpm 92 rpm Maximum power 188 HP 140 kW *Notes cannot run at maximum torque and maximum speed at same time. Speeds shown are no-load speeds (free-hanging condition). Speeds under actual drilling conditions (varying loads) may be 10-15% lower. EX25 with 336 CAT Exca EX25 Maximums
Driving Force
Centrifugal force
Amplitude (free w/o clamp) 28 mm Standard line pull for extracting 48 tons 430 kN Optional line pull for extracting 48 tons 430 kN Weight (no clamp or hoses) 3935 lbs 1785 kg Non-vibrating Weight 1400 lbs 635 kg Height without clamp (H) 62 in 1565 mm Length (L) 65 in 1640 mm Width (W) 18 in 460 mm Throat width (TW) 13.25 in 337 mm Height with sheeting clamp (HH) 90 in 2285 mm 1.1 in
704-821-8200 * WWW.ICEUSA.COM
Maximum torque requires a power unit capable of 6,527 psi (450 bar). Maximum speed requires a power unit capable of 146 gpm (550 lpm).
Constant improvement and engineering progress make it necessary that ICE reserve the right to make specification changes without notice. Please contact ICE, Inc for the latest specifications.
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