CFI's Driven Pile Academy: Hosted by the PDCA

Common Lead Setups: Swinging Leads

COMPONENTS: Tapered Top Intermediate Section Bottom Section (stab point)

USAGE: Mobilization & de-mobilization is very quick, when time is important.

Ideal setup for Hydraulic & Diesel Impact Hammers Piles that were already vibrated in but require a PDA

Important before you laydown leads: While leads are vertical, the hammer needs to be at the base/ground of leads and then you can proceed to lay down setup.

Swinging leads are the lightest, simplest, and least expensive. Precise alignment of the crane and pile is not required. It is possible to drive in a hole or over the edge of an excavation. However, swinging leads require a three-line crane (leads, hammer & pile handling) and they are much easier to lay down because there is no disassembly required.

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