ICE Product Catalog 2024
ICE ® Model 16VM Zero-Resonance TM Hydraulic Vibratory Driver/ Extractor with Model 225TBZ Power Unit
Variable moment – zero to 1525 in-lbs (18 kg-m) High centrifugal force with light-weight, low-overhead Up to 75 tons (670 kN) line pull for extraction Conventional vibratory hammers have a constant eccentric moment, making them a great driving force for install and extraction of piles. However, there are times when the need arises to use a Varible Moment, AKA Zero Resonance Vibratory Hammer with a moment of 0 to 1800 rev. per minute is important. Variable Moment, AKA Zero-Resonance, hammers enables zero eccentric moment at start-up and shut down to eliminate disturbance to soil, structures and crane. Vibrating with ZR and ZV Hammers works automatically and safely. Customers always say they feel it is an ideal equivalent
Clamps & Accessories
ICE Model 140C Sheeting Clamp Clampng Force 140 tons 1245 kN Weight 2200 lbs 1000 kg
of the pressing methods with much lesser cost and more effiecent to the contractor. Full range of clamps and duplex clamping systems available for sheet piling, H-Beams, pipe & caissons and timber & concrete piles. Maximum efficiency and reliability ensured by our open-loop hydraulic system. Highest quality, reliable piston pumps and motors.
ICE 6.5’ HD Beam & 2 Model 105H Clamps Clampng Force 220 tons 1975 kN Weight 4320 lbs 1960 kg
Remote-control pendant for vibrator and clamp with emergency stop. Engine speed control for fuel efficiency. Hand-held Application Availible for continual montioring while driving. Adaptable for underwater, low headroom or box leads operation.
ICE Model 55 Wood Concrete and Pipe Clamp Clampng Force
53 tons 471 kN
4825lbs 2189 kg
Environmentally-friendly, non toxic, biodegradable hydraulic oil.
ICE 12’ HD Beam & 2 Model 105H Clamps Clampng Force 220 tons 1975 kN Weight 7725 lbs 3505 kg ICE DUPLEX HD Beam & 2 Model 105H Clamps Clampng Force 220 tons 1975 kN Weight 3520 lbs 1960 kg
Model16VM Accessories 10’ Clamp Extension
90 o Turning Plate Vibratory Stand Wireless Remote App for Monitoring
Designed and manufactured in USA by ICE ® World leader in cost-effective foundation equipment since 1974. ©International Construction Equipment, Inc. All rights reserved. January 2020.
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