ICE Product Catalog 2024


MC 24

MC 30

m.s. i.s.

Prof. Max Pass. Sing. Max Depth Single Pass

m ft

23 76’

33 108’

Diametro Asta Rod Size Caricatore Aste Rod Carousel Coppia Rotary Torque Range Potenza Motore Engine Power

mm in

90 - 127 3” 9/16 - 5”

90 - 127 3” 9/16 - 5”

m ft

2 x 9 2 x 30’

daNm lb*ft

2.400 - 2.800 17,701 - 20,651

1.700 - 2.800 12,538 - 20,651


225 302

180 - 225 241 - 302

Peso Weight

kg lbs

24.000 52,900

36.000 79,400


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